September 8, 2023

Four Directions Prayer – Season of Creation

Today, we pray to be healed, to be strengthened, to be awakened, to be soothed, and to be lead and taught by our Creator God. (Prayer from the Diocese of Western North Carolina – Anglican [...]

Committing to Living Lighter – Season of Creation

One way that we can each personally make a difference this Season of Creation is by committing to living lighter and making better use of our resources. Consider some of the options provided here, and [...]

Music for the Season – Season of Creation

How can music inspire us this season? Listen to a playlist for the Season of Creation from Ministry of the Arts on Spotify, and consider how you can take action.


Wisdom from Laudato Si’ – Season of Creation

In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis reminds us that the crisis we are facing is generational. It does not just affect us, but all the generations who will follow us.  
