Sunday, March 6th
Dt 26: 4-10
Ps 91: 1-2, 10-15
Rom 10: 8-13
Lk 4: 1-13
“Be with me Lord when I am in trouble.” Ps 91: 15b
Lest we doubt that Jesus is fully human, the Church places before us each first Sunday of Lent one of the accounts of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Today’s account is from the gospel of Luke. Immediately following his baptism, Jesus is led by the Spirit of God into the desert. There he faces three temptations all humans must face before they dare take on any kind of power—as Jesus is about to do. They are all temptations to the misuse of power for purposes less than God’s purpose (Rohr). Scholars point out that in the gospel, Jesus wields no power at all except in regard to spirits and demons. Viewed from this perspective, the story of Jesus’ refusal to abuse the power he has, offers us as Americans something very relevant to ponder. Jesus, master of discernment, resists with clarity, determination, and decisiveness. What gives Jesus courage? Jesus’ absolute adherence to his Father’s plan for humanity.
Be with me Lord when I am in trouble. Ps 91: 15b
May I hear and act on the Cry of the Earth in the Cry of the Poor this Lent.
May our struggles and our concern for this planet never take away the joy of our hope.
– Laudato Si
Personal Challenge
How will we use our moral power to speak for silent Earth?
What one small thing will I do today to save/savor Earth?
Sister Cynthia Sabathier, CSJ
Baton Rouge, LA