December 25, 2016
By Mary Kay McVey Christian
CSJ Associate
St. Louis, MO
Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6;
Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. Jn 1:1
Words matter. Words have power to enlighten, to empower, to hurt and even destroy lives. Words can last long after we have uttered them. Indeed, words are able to extend beyond time and space. Today, the beginning of the Gospel of John reminds us that God has been communicating with us from the very beginning, even before time and space existed. God’s self-communication is revealed in the Word Made Flesh. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Even before bread and wine are broken at mass, we encounter God first at the Table of the Word. God reaches out through the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ desiring intimate relationship with each and every one of us. Words do matter. Let us take this holy day to celebrate Jesus, the “Word” John is talking about in the Gospel today. And let us remember our own words matter as we share the Good News with everyone in our lives.
Loving God, you gave us Jesus so you could share in
our humanity, and so we might learn to share in your
divinity. Help us to reflect your divine image in our
lives and in our words, today and every day.
Personal Challenge
Today, let us choose our words wisely
and listen carefully for the presence of God
in the words we hear.
Check back on Thursday for our New Year’s Day reflection!
Courtesy of Ministry of the Arts