December 24, 2016

By Joan Burger, CSJ
Wichita, KS

2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16;
Ps 89:2-5, 27 and 29; Lk 1:67-79

And you, my child, will be called a prophet
of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord
to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge
of salvation, to shine on those living in darkness…
to guide our feet into the path of peace. Lk 1:76-77, 79

Today’s Gospel reading from Luke is the Canticle of Zachariah. After months of being unable to speak, Zachariah, filled with the Holy Spirit,
praises God and prophesies the fulfillment of this Old Testament promise. “… for you will go before the Lord (Jesus) to prepare his way…” One can almost imagine how Zachariah must have felt as he said this prayer. He and Elizabeth had the great privilege of being the parents of John who would announce to the world that salvation was close at hand.

Have you ever wondered why Zachariah was struck dumb when he doubted that he and Elizabeth were to give birth to a son? “How can this be, as I am an old man and Elizabeth, my wife, is well along in years” (Lk 1:18). Did not Mary also question how she could give birth since she was a virgin? Perhaps the difference was the attitude in which the question was asked and the trust that God would “guide (her) feet into the path of peace.”

Loving God we thank you for all the good things you have
lavished upon us. Keep us aware of all the promises that came
to be with the birth of your Son, Jesus. Help us to trust that your
love and guidance will “shine on us in the darkness.” Let us look
forward to the celebration of “Christ with us” with joy.

Personal Challenge
Spend some time today reflecting on a time when you
have questioned where God was leading you in your life.

Check back tomorrow for our Christmas Day reflection!

Courtesy of Ministry of the Arts