Elizabeth Powers

Season of Creation – Living Simply

Today, we are reminded to simplify our lives. What are some ways you can reduce habits in your life that are bad for the planet? #SeasonOfCreation


Season of Creation – Have You Forgotten?

Today, we are reminded by Sister Kathy Sherman, CSJ that we are one with everything in her song “Have You Forgotten”. Listen to the whole song from Sister Kathy from Ministry of the Arts here.


Season of Creation – Scripture Celebrates Creation

Today, we are reminded that scripture celebrates creation. #SeasonOfCreation


Season of Creation – What On Earth is Biodiversity?

What is biodiversity? And why is it important? Watch this video to learn more about the importance of biodiversity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjwtneQ9cd8


Season of Creation – Wisdom form Laudato Si’

Today, we are reminded that climate change is already wreaking havoc on plants, animals, and the poor. #SeasonofCreation


Season of Creation – Lifting Up the Vulnerable

One action we can take during the Season of Creation is listening to the voices of the vulnerable as they share their concerns about our common home. Try these steps. #SeasonofCreation  


Season of Creation – What is Your Ecological Footprint?

As we continue our journey through the Season of Creation, we invite you to consider how you are affecting Earth. Click here to calculate your ecological footprint, then consider things you can do differently. https://www.footprintcalculator.org/home/en [...]

Season of Creation – Scripture Celebrates Creation

Today we are reminded that scripture celebrates creation, and has from the very beginning. #SeasonofCreation


Season of Creation – Reflect God’s Glory

Today, we pray to transform our lives, and reflect God’s glory in creation. #SeasonofCreation


Season of Creation – One Small Voice

Today, we are reminded by Sister Kathy Sherman, CSJ to listen to the cry of the Earth in the many ways we can in her song “One Small Voice”. Listen to the whole song from [...]