Elizabeth Powers

September 22 – The Rights of Rivers

Today is World Rivers Day, which highlights the many values of rivers in our world. Today, consider signing the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Rivers, and add your voice to those calling for rivers [...]

September 21 – Prayer for the Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty

Today is the Season of Creation Global Day of Action. This year, parishes, faith groups, and individuals are asked to engage with the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT). The Treaty brings together nations, civil society, [...]

September 20 – Taking Action with Art

Today, consider advocating by sending an Act Now Postcard, created by Ministry of the Arts, to call for those in charge to do more about the climate emergency and the ecological crisis. Download the postcards [...]

September 19 – Scripture Celebrates Creation

Today, we are reminded that all creation rejoices before the Lord.


September 18 – Monitoring Our Water Use

Today is World Water Monitoring Day. How can you consider your water usage today? What steps can you take to reduce water usage?


September 17 – Scripture Celebrates Creation

Today, we are reminded that scripture celebrates creation.


September 16 – Question for Reflection

Today, we reflect on the following questions, and consider how nature inspires our faith.


September 15 – Laudato Si’ Inspired Prayer

Today, we pray with Laudao Si’.


September 14 – How Can You Save Energy?

What are some ways we can take action for creation in our everyday lives? One way is conserving energy in your home.


September 13 – Action as a Sign of the Firstfruits of Hope

Today, we are reminded that we must nurture our hope for creation through actions.
