Today, we reflect on how we are caring, not only for our earth, but for the common good.
[...]Today, we offer a prayer for the changing seasons.
[...]The U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph, of which the Congregation of St. Joseph is a member, has issued the following public statement, calling for the protection of all immigrants: We, the U.S. Federation [...]
As we continue our journey through the Season of Creation, we are reminded that our environmental and social concerns are one.
[...]Today, we give thanks for the Earth and the harvest she provides.
[...]What are some actions we can take this week to celebrate the Earth and the fall harvest?
[...]Today we ask “how do I celebrate creation with how I live my life?”
[...]Today, Pope Francis reminds us that we ourselves are made from the elements of the earth.
[...]The U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph, of which the Congregation of St. Joseph is a member, has issued the following public statement, opposing the Trump Administration’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule: We, the U. [...]
As we finish the second week of the Season of Creation, we offer the following questions for reflection. What can we transform in our world, for the sake of the future?