Wednesday, December 25


Is 9 :1-6
Ps 96: 1-3, 11-13
Ti: 2:11-14
Lk 2:1-14


“The Kingdom of God is vast and forever peaceful.”

I read a book my Senior Year at Duquesne University. I no longer remember the title of the book, but the theme of the book definitely applies to the scripture reading for today. The theme of the book spoke about two gospels: the gospel of the world and Jesus’ Gospel.
When Jesus is born, a king in the line of David is born. Jesus’ Kingdom is not of this world but of the next. The kingdom begins with Jesus but it is still in progress. God’s Kingdom is “vast and forever peaceful.” The Lord “confirms and sustains it with judgment and justice.” How does our world compare with this image?

The gospel of the world promotes financial success, physical beauty, and power. Jesus spoke of love of God and love of neighbor. Jesus demonstrates this kind of love in the ultimate way by dying for all people. What gospel will we follow?


Let us rejoice in Jesus’ birth today. Lord, may we do our part to bring “the Good News” to our world.

Personal Challenge

What can I do to advance peace and justice in our world?

Kristine L. Urda, CSJ Associate