Wednesday, March 2nd


Joel 2:12-18
Psalms 51:3-4, 5-6AB, 12-13, 14 and 17
2 Corinthians 5: 20-6:22
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18


“Return to me with your whole heart” Joel 2: 12

“We are ambassadors for Christ” 2 Cor. 5:20

Love, who summons our return, breathes all creation into being, sustains and moves all to future fullness. This Love presents in every aspect of the cosmos—no exceptions! Love within creation collaborates to present as human. All is one. Look around: fertile fields turn to desert, people migrate across the planet, walls shout “no room in the inn,” species die, a pandemic, violence, and rage…no wonder the cries, “where is their God?” And Love within all creation pleads, “Return to me with your whole heart/Self!” How big is my heart? Are there revelations of God I exclude or refuse to cherish? Is my heart hardened to love? Good questions for “The Congregation of the Great Love of God” and for all baptized called to be Ambassadors for Christ (the incarnation of Love). “Christ, for those who can see, shines in the diaphanous universe, through the cosmos and in matter.” (Teilhard) Ambassadors promote, re-present the one who sends them—Christ!


O Spirit of Love, lure our hearts into alignment with your Love.
Expand our hearts to include all in your Love. Flow through us
with your compassion and care that in our presence all creation
may experience your Beloved Christ.

Personal Challenge

I will lean into the heart of Christ this Lent, asking that my heart
throb and overflow with Love for all that presents God.

Sister Pat Bergen, CSJ
Westchester, IL