Saturday, December 25
Is 62: 11-12
Ps 97: 1, 6, 11-12
Titus 3: 4-7
Lk 2:15-20
Light dawns for the just (Ps 97:11)
Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, Which the Lord has made known to us. (Lk 2:15b)
Seeing the light of dawn and sunrise. Seeing a newborn baby in smitten parents’ embrace. These experiences are among the most evocative of wonder and grace in our lives, and today’s Christmas scriptures use both to herald good news for the poor. A dazzling new day of hope has shattered the darkness of fear and suffering; God’s generous lovingkindness is reborn for us.
The inbreaking of God-with-us quickens our loving whenever we accept the Grace-ful invitation to go and see. It’s the shepherds who call us to go with them to Bethlehem: the marginalized summon us to the place of the least (Micah 5:2), at once the house of bread, where we, like Jesus, are nourished for the journey of care. Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ writes this about the meaning of Incarnation: “As the embodiment of Sophia…Jesus the Christ’s redeeming care intends the flourishing of all creatures and the whole earth itself, so that the power of Christ’s Spirit is seen whenever human beings share in this love for the earth.” (She Who Is, 166)
So let’s have ourselves a “go and see,” and let our hearts be light.
Let me see You more clearly, love You more dearly, follow You more nearly, day by day.
Personal Challenge
Gift yourself and others with loving kindness, with special care for the weak.
Sister Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ
Chicago, IL