Sunday, December 25


Is 62: 11-12
Ps 97: 1, 6, 11-12
Titus 3: 4-7
Lk 2: 15-20


Glorifying and Praising God for all they had seen and heard
(Lk 2:20)

Why the shepherds? God is always enticing us. Angels are always singing even in night and in all in-between spaces of our lives. But shepherds watch, listen, tend and respond with haste. Their livelihood depends on it! Whether night or noon, encircling constellations, or cool breeze, all speak of God’s caress. Even the sheep evoking care speak of Infinite Mystery. Shepherds notice incarnations everywhere! No debate with the voices of angels. Just response with haste! At the manger (the in-between space of animal-cave and build-on human room), they experience the heart of God arising now in human flesh and a “smile, that like lightning, sets free the song of everlasting glory that sleeps, in every flesh, like dynamite (Merton)!” They, like all of us from proton to galaxy, are re born to manifest the glory of God (Love)-our purpose-God’s favor-what Joy! Heart of God rise in us, smile and radiate through the ages, like lightening setting “free the song of everlasting glory that sleeps in every flesh.”


Dawning Presence, open our eyes. Give us listening ears and spirits attentive to all your incarnations in every field and manger. Smile through every part of us like lightening setting free the song of everlasting glory that sleeps in our flesh.

Personal Challenge

Listen to the voices of angels. Respond with haste. Notice incarnations everywhere. Let Love smile through you to liberate the glory of Love in all

Sister Pat Bergen, CSJ
Westchester, IL