Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 25


Isaiah 52:7-10
Psalm 98:1-6
Hebrews 1:1-6
John 1:1-5, 9-14


“In the beginning. . .
The light shines in the darkness. . . Jn 1:5
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. . .
Filled with enduring love.” Jn 1:14

Some may be disappointed not to hear the traditional infancy accounts from either Matthew or Luke, but on this Christmas day, we hear the beginning of John’s Gospel, full of the meaning of the feast we celebrate. “In the beginning” is the same beginning of the book of Genesis, which describes creation. Thus, John begins with the new creation in Christ. The Word of God, which breathed and spoke creation in Genesis is now en-fleshed, in-carnate, in human form, just like us. Jesus is, in fact, with us providing light in the darkest moments of our lives, our world. “He made his dwelling among us” in the original language was actually: “He pitched his tent in our midst.” Jesus was born to live with us, among us, close to us. The birth of Jesus is the expression of God’s enduring love. This Gospel, which we hear today, is full of meaning and truth. Rather than telling us of the historical birth of Jesus, John reveals the meaning of this wonderful and amazing birth.


Oh God of all creation, give us the grace to more deeply believe
and understand the meaning of the Incarnation, the birth of Christ
in our world and in our lives and hearts.
May we notice Christ’s presence dwelling ever
within us and among us.
Let us real-ize the enduring love of God especially on this feast
day, and on each day we live. Amen.

Personal Challenge

As Christmas gifts are opened this day, I will be attentive to the
great gift of the birth of Christ. I will strive to open my heart so
that Christ will come and be born anew in me.

Sister Sallie Latkovich, CSJ
Ft. Myers, FL

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