Congregation Joins LCWR and the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Calling for an End to Gun Violence

The Congregation of St. Joseph joins the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph in calling for an end to gun violence. Both LCWR and the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph have issued public statements, which we support. Following are excerpts from those statements:

The recent mass shootings in our country impel us to once again implore all citizens and elected leaders to end the rampant rage and division that have overpowered our nation and too often result in mass, indiscriminate violence. We are a nation that promises a life free from fear, and yet we seem unable to stop the epidemic of hate that has overwhelmed us. As we have been carrying in our own hearts the pain being endured by families who have lost loved ones and those wounded through gun violence, we bring in as well those impacted by these latest attacks.

We implore all legislative bodies to pass legislation that effectively prevents gun violence. We call for the passage of laws that ban assault weapons, require universal background checks for all gun sales, provide funding for gun violence prevention research, and makes the trafficking in weapons a federal crime.

While mass shootings capture our attention, we cannot forget that they are only part of the pervasive violence perpetrated by use of firearms. Most major cities see shooting deaths regularly, and suicides, domestic violence and accidents caused by guns are pervasive in all parts of the country. While the horror of mass shootings is heavily covered by the media, other acts of gun violence persists day after day and its massive scale goes unnoticed.

The deeper causes of violence must be addressed by us as a nation, and we must put our resources there immediately. Only by focusing on the multi-layered foundations of violence will we succeed in making our nation a safer and less fearful place for all.

Actions You Can Take:

Pray: For all those affected by the tragedy of gun violence. Find prayers here.

Call: Your senators and ask them to pass the bipartisan background checks bill that was passed by the House earlier this year. Contact your senators here or join Everytown for Gun Safety in sending a message here.

Join: A local organization:in your area that is advocating against gun violence or supporting victims of gun violence. Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action are a good place to start.

Educate: Yourself on the roles systemic racism and white supremacy ideology play in contemporary justice issues. Consider joining this common read or doing research here.

Examine: Yourself and your relationships for implicit bias to better understand the roots of prejudice in our society. Take a personal assessment here.

Read the full statement from LCWR here and from the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph here.

The Congregation of St. Joseph is dedicated to protecting all life, from conception to natural death. We believe that all people have the right to life, and we work to preserve the dignity of all people. Learn more about our respect for life efforts here.

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