Congregation of St. Joseph Condemns Violence, Calls for Unity

The Congregation of St. Joseph is deeply saddened and disturbed by the events that transpired in Washington DC. We are heartbroken by the words and violent acts that seek to divide us, and lift our hearts in prayer for peace and in hope that we will find a way to repair fractured relationships and restore justice where it is most needed.

We condemn these acts of violence, and once again implore all citizens and elected leaders to work to end the rampant rage and division that have overpowered our nation. We are a country that promises a life free from fear, and yet we seem unable to stop the epidemic of hate that has overwhelmed us. We pray that we will be able to come together as one people, and reclaim our unity as a nation.

As people of faith, our mission is to bring all into unity with God, with one another, and with all creation. We promise to continue to work for unity by promoting peace and non-violence, by collaborating with others to bring about change, and by standing as a reminder of the healing presence of God in our world.

We join the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), of whom we are a part, in renewing our commitment to the common good and pledge to take up the challenge to use our energy to repair our democracy and contribute to the work of building a more perfect union. We invite all people of good will to join us and we call on our elected leaders to point the way.

Please join us as we pray for our nation, our people, and our leaders.

Prayer for Our Nation

Healer of Our Every Ill,
Breathe in and among all of us
who dwell in this land.
Soothe our wounds. Calm our fears.
Mend our divisions.
Hope of All Tomorrows,
Open our deaf ears and fill us
with compassion.
Tender our hearts.
Inspire creative ideas to address the cries
of our sisters, brothers and Earth itself.
Send forth your Spirit of Love and Unity.
Transform pointed fingers of blame
into hands open in reverence
to receive one another.
Fan into flame the gift of our founding
and let us be known again as a people
united for the goodness, justice and
peace of all people forever. Amen.

Composed by Sister Pat Bergen, CSJ

See the full statement from LCWR hereĀ and the statement from the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph here.