Sunday, April 4th


Acts 10:34a, 37-43
Ps 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23
Col. 3:1-4 or Cor. 5:6-8
Jn.20:1-9   or Mk. 16:1-7 or Lk.24:13-36


“they saw that the stone had been rolled away. It was very large…He has been raised…He is going before you into Galilee…“(Mk 16)

“If you are raised with Christ, seek the things that are above” Colossians 3:1

Something wonderful happened in the tomb! Inspired by Rahner, imagine a tomb. Here Unifying Love, at the heart of creation, inhales the dead body in one great “Ahh,” illumining and transforming what “has been,” and breathes forth the Risen One!  The stone rolls away.  Darkness shatters. Love exhales, “lle-lu-iahh.” All creation drawn to a higher realm breathes Christ!  Those raised proclaim: inclusion, mutuality…and enter the Galilean ministry celebrating a world alive with Christ!

Tomb-time is essential for Resurrection!  COVID sealed our tomb-time. An “Ahh” screamed at the dying of all considered essential!  Yet in this tomb-time, Unifying Love illumines and transforms the dead, while pouring forth an energy in thousands strong enough to roll away the COVID stone. Suddenly our eyes open. We see Christ raising the soul of humanity as volunteers plant fields, neighbors stock refrigerators. . . dreams of mutuality and inclusion become policies and systems, proclaiming a planet alive with the Risen One! Join Love’s “ahh-lle-lu-iahh” continue singing a new creation into being!


Risen One, fill us with dreams of your new creation.  Breathe forth decisions, actions, and systems proclaiming our lives as risen in the mind and heart of Christ.

Personal Challenge

Each morning, I will beg for the grace to live the day in union with the One risen in all creation.

Sister Pat Bergen, CSJ
LaGrange Park, Il