Sunday, March 21st 


Scrutiny Ez 37: 12-1
Ps 130: 1-8
Rom 8: 8-1
Jn 11: 1-45
Otherwise: Jer 31: 31-34
Ps 51: 3-4, 12-15
Heb 5: 7-9
Jn 12: 20-33


In Jeremiah we hear of God’s promise to make a new covenant—one in which we will no longer need to be taught about God; this knowing will be placed within ALL our hearts. Jer 31:33-34

Theologian, Karl Rahner wrote, “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not exist at all.” This quote seems to get at the heart of today’s scripture.  A mystic has an immediate, dynamic, and experiential relationship with and in God—an immediacy that is essential in our fast-changing world where truth has lost its way and divisions have deepened and widened.

Jesus is the new covenant and mystic who was totally aligned with the heart and mind of God. Being a mystic is born out of deep solitude and shared prayer. It is a way of being that allows us to be always present and available to the newness that God is revealing; to be open to mystery.


Holy Mystery, faithful to your covenant, wake us to our mystical knowing of you in us and as us. May we be so present to your life within us that we become a force of healing and an outpouring of love for our aching world and suffering planet.

Personal Challenge

Like Jesus did, sit in silence until your heart and eyes become ONE with God. Act from this place.

Bridget Sperduto, CSJ Associate
La Grange Park, Il