Sunday, December 1st


Is 2: 1-5
Ps 122: 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7. 8-9
Rom 13: 11.13
Mt 24: 37-44


Later in Advent, our liturgical readings and our lives will be replete with the promise of the Incarnate God – Jesus – to be born of Mary in the city of David. But, on this first Sunday of Advent, Isaiah tells of the vision God has in mind for us. It is an arc over the world from our ancient past to our undisclosed future. As we climb the mountain of God, benchmarks along the way will tell us if we are on the right path. Do violence and disaster give way to harmony and peace? And what about those pruning hooks? They are symbols of what needs to happen to us as we go higher onto the mountain of God. We will need to be pruned so that our grasp and practice of God’s vision become true and real. Jesus, in today’s Gospel, reminds his followers that the people before Noah’s day ignored the vision. They were not concerned about the flood. Stay awake, Jesus told his followers. Ready yourselves for what is to come, the fullness of light and life in God.


God of our Advent journey, we welcome Your light on our way, knowing that light has a way of changing things. Walk beside us as the contours of the mountain of life keep changing. Teach us to live peacefully with others. With the dawning of each new Advent day, let us recognize how Your constant love lessens the darkness that threatens our world. Christmas is still a long way off, Gracious God. May we treasure every step up the mountain with You. Amen.

Personal Challenge

Not to rush too quickly toward Christmas
But linger on the mountain roads of Advent.

Sister Joan Sobala, SSJ
Rochester, NY