Sunday, March 19th
1 Sam 16: 1, 6-7, 10-13
Ps 23: 1-6
Eph 5: 8-14
Jn 9: 1-41
“I am the Light of the world.” Jn 9:5
The story of the blind man is our story. We are all born blind. The difference between the blind man and ourselves is that he knew he was blind. Yet, Jesus consolingly tells us the blindness is not a result of sin, but a condition that gives the works of God a chance to be made visible through us. The blind man does not request healing. Jesus takes the initiative. The healing was not instantaneous, but a process. Lent is an invitation from Jesus to us to enter into a process that will enable us to see more clearly, more deeply. Our faith is not directed toward theological dogmas, but toward a Person. “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Our answer always contains the question of the blind man: “Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?” And Jesus’ answer is the same to us: “You have seen him, the one speaking (deep within your own heart) is he.”
Let us listen. Let us believe. Let us see.
“Walk in the light. The beautiful light.
Come where the dewdrops of mercy shine bright.
Shine all around us by day and by night.
Jesus, the light of the world.”
Song by John Newton based on Isaac Watts’ poem
Personal Challenge
I take time today to listen, to hear the voice of Jesus speaking deep within my own heart.
Sister Marcella Clancy, CSJ
Detroit, MI