Good Friday

Friday, April 2nd


Is 52: 13-53: 12
Ps 31: 2.6, 12-13, 15-17, 25
Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9
Jn 18: 1-19: 42


I put my life in your hands.
 (Lk 23, 46) and Psalm Refrain

Dear Jesus,

These past months have been fraught with grief, anger, fear, and hopelessness.  At times it feels as though all sensibility has been swallowed by an ever-widening chasm of nothingness.  Uncertainty pervades every part of my being and my misconceived securities have become mere phantoms, empty shadows.  Is this perhaps what You, too, felt all those years ago?

St. Paul says You learned obedience from what You suffered.  You willingly took on bodily and spiritual suffering to know fully our suffering.  Allow all that I suffer to refine me into an obedient disciple, so that if asked, as Simon Peter was, “Are you not a disciple of his?” I would, without hesitation reply, “I am.”

You humbly embraced Your cross and walked a difficult and lonely road to Your crucifixion, never relinquishing the power of Your love.  Teach me to love like that, that I may confidently proclaim to my God as You did, “I put my life in your hands.”


My Lord and My God, be with me!  Pierce my heart with Your great love as I give my all to You.

Personal Challenge

Lord, I put my life in Your hands.

Sister Barb McCartney, CSJ
Charleston, WV

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