Holy Saturday

Saturday, April 11th


Gn 1:1-2:2
Ps 104: 1-2. 5-6.10. 12
Rom 6: 3-11
Mt 28: 1-10


Bless the Lord O My soul! O Lord, my God, you are great indeed! Ps 104: 1-2

This day has finally come for us. It is time to celebrate and sing Alleluia. Hopefully lent deepened your appreciation of God, the God of Love, the God of Mercy, who is with us every step of the way. Let us say Ps 104: Bless the Lord O My soul! O Lord, my God, you are great indeed! Genesis reminds us that God created wonder and beauty, gifts of all kinds. Hopefully we appreciate creation and its wonder and show our appreciation by caring for all creation. Bless the Lord O My soul! O Lord, my God you are great indeed! In the gospel an angel appeared and told them where to find Jesus. For us God comes in many ways and through many people. Are we alert enough to see and hear? Are we out there as Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were when they ventured out despite all the previous happenings? God is with us Alleluia!


God, I want to praise you. You are a Glorious and Magnificent God, full of wonder. Lead  me each day to sing Alleluia!

Personal Challenge

To focus each day on the gifts God has given, the Life God has given, and continues to venture out, not letting fear hold me back.

Sister Rose McLarney CSJ
Kansas City, MO

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