Holy Saturday – The Easter Vigil

Saturday, April 16th


Genesis 1:1-2 Psalm 104
Genesis 22:1-18 Psalm 16
Exodus 14:15-15:1 Exodus 15
Isaiah 54:5-14 Psalm 30
Isaiah 55:1-11 Isaiah 12
Baruch 3:9-15-4:4 Psalm 19
Romans 6:3-11 Psalm 118
Luke 24:1-12


Then God said: “Let there be light.” And, there was light. (Genesis 1:3)

ALLELUIA! This is the great vigil of Easter! In the early Church, it was an all-night event of praising God and recalling all that God has done from creation to the new creation in the risen Christ. The great theme is always: from darkness to light. The seven readings at the beginning of the liturgy recount the saving acts of God, with the climax in the Gospel, proclaiming the saving act of Christ’s resurrection. . .and our own. From the very act of creation, God ALWAYS calls forth light from the midst of darkness. God’s saving acts are recounted through the history of ancient Israel: saving Isaac from being sacrificed by Abraham, saving the Israelites from slavery through the Exodus account, being present and engaged with them through the Exile, providing water to the thirsty. And finally, we hear Luke’s account of the empty tomb, the resurrection of Christ: light from darkness, life from death. Indeed, God creates light in every darkness, if we have hearts to believe! ALLELUIA!


“Longing for light, we wait in darkness, longing for truth, we turn to
you. Make us your own, your holy people, light for the world to see:
Christ, be our Light, shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness!
Christ be our light, shine in your Church gathered today.”

-“Christ Be Our Light” by Bernadette Farrell

Personal Challenge

I will notice the “points of light” in my life today, and pray that
God’s light will shine through my life, enlightening the darkness
that might be around me, enlightening the darkness in our world.

Sister Sallie Latkovich, CSJ
Chicago, IL