Thursday, March 28


Ex.12:1-8, 11-14
Ps.116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18
I Cor. 11:23-26
Jn. 13: 1-15


“This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
I Cor. 11: 25

Took off his outer garment, . . .began to wash his disciples’ feet. . .”
Jn. 13:4-5

Don’t miss what is happening here! Servants, not lords of the house, wash the feet of a guest as a gesture of hospitality! But look, Jesus, called Lord, removes his outer garment, disclosing the heart of God, bends to wash feet! Lord becomes servant! Jesus undoes the meaning of the words, overturns a world held in place by the temple of domination and separation–this temple that is destroying the planet and all creation of God! Jesus is welcoming disciples into the house of God (Love). No servants, lords, or privilege here. All are friends who live in one another (as Jesus lives in God and God in Jesus). In the house of God (Love) all say, “This is my life, my body, my soul given to nourish you that you may live more fully. Take. Eat. Drink. Become one with me.” We (every living being) must give ourselves to one another. Must dwell in. This washes the world of sin! “Do This. Remember Me!”


Poured-out Love, awaken us to privileges of race, species, gender, sexual orientation. . .
Pour us out–bodies, souls, lives so that all called “other” flourish.
Lead us deeply into this Passover from the world of privilege, domination, and separation to your Dwelling Place.
In this Communion of Love all gifts are celebrated, given,
and received. You Are Re-membered!

Personal Challenge

When did I experience the communion of Love today?
How is my life being summoned for the flourishing of Love tomorrow?

Sister Pat Bergen, CSJ
Westchester, IL