Friday, December 8th
Gn 3: 9-15, 20
Ps 98: 1-4
Eph 1: 3-6, 11-12
Lk 1: 26-38
“You have found favor with God.” Luke 1:29
The Immaculate Conception: Mary was born free from original sin. This is a feast not easily understood. The Church spent over 1800 years having theological fights about the concept, finally officially recognizing it as a dogma in 1854. And I ask, how does this belief touch my life?
The angel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary and said: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” And in other words, we could also say: “You are full of grace. God is with you.” The same can be said to me and to you. The favor God found in Mary gave her what she needed to say yes. The favor God finds in you gives you all you need to say yes to what you are called to do. Mary’s favor gifted her with new life, a nurturing heart, a comforting presence, a willingness to ponder and to suffer. Mary lived faithful to her call, using the gifts God had given her. In Mary we have a mentor, a friend, a support. What are the gifts with which God has favored you, and what is the call for today?
God of love, I believe that you have favored me with the gifts I
need to hear your call and live it.
Help me to learn from Mary how to offer to others the gifts you
give with joy and courage.
Personal Challenge
Remembering God’s love, God’s favor toward me, I choose to pass
on to someone this day a gift with which God has favored me.
Sister Maria Hill, CSJ
La Grange Park, IL