New Year’s Day

Wednesday January 1


Numbers 6:22-27
Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8
Gal. 4: 4-7
Lk. 2: 16-21


…and Mary treasured all these things, holding them in her heart.
Luke 2:18

Throughout the world, last evening into and today, Auld Lang Syne is sung nostalgically and hopefully in countless gatherings. This Scottish song brings to mind among the singers the reunion of old friends and the commitment of a continuing relationship in to the future – of keeping in touch …

This Gospel poignantly describes Mary’s decision to keep the events of Jesus’s birth in the stable in Bethlehem active in her heart: perhaps the stable owner’s offer of housing, the shepherd’s visit, Joseph’s love and care and we can only imagine what else was in Mary’s heart.

On this New Year’s Day we are invited to resolve to keep alive in a very active way our relationship with God who gives life and with the people we will meet who express God’s continuing care for us and for all creation. “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind …” O my, how sad and ungrateful!


Mary, be with me and help me to ponder and actively treasure the
gifts of life, especially relationships as you did.

Personal Challenge

God continues to create life through the presence of loving relationships – may we be, like God, a good friend this year.

Sister Carol Crepeau, CSJ
Burr Ridge, IL

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