The Epiphany

Sunday, January 5th


Is 60: 1-6
Ps 72: 1-2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13
Eph 3: 2-3a. 5-6
Mt 2: 1-12


Rise Up in splendor, Jerusalem, your light has come!
The glory of the Lord shines upon you.

The festivity of the Christmas Season continues today as we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany means manifestation. In our first reading, we are reminded that God’s glory shines upon us and upon all creation, we need only acknowledge and pay attention to how it is manifested in our midst. We are invited to see the world through God’s eyes, allowing our hearts to be open to receive the gifts offered to us each day. We are invited to see ourselves as God does, radiant, shining and loved. Grounding ourselves in that love, we are called to be a manifestation of love to all whom we encounter, living in union with God, one another, and all creation. Then our hearts will throb and overflow with the manifestation of God in all creation. We will be stars, shining in the darkness and guiding all into the light of God’s love.


Loving God, open my heart to see your glory shining in me, in others and all creation. May I be a manifestation of light to all whom I meet this day, shining forth kindness and mercy. Thank you for all the ways your love is present in my life. Bring all who are in darkness into the radiance of your love.

Personal Challenge

Take a moment at various times today to raise your eyes and look about and notice God’s radiance within and around you.

Sister Kathy Brazda, CSJ
Chicago, Illinois

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