Sunday, December 15th


Is 35: 1-6a. 10
Ps 146: 6-7. 8-9. 9-10
Jas 5: 7-10
Mt 11: 2-11


“Happy the one whose hope is fixed on Yahweh, their God.” Is 35: 1-6a.

“Happy the person who does not lose faith in me.” Mt 11: 2-11

Today is Gaudete Sunday, the day that we get to anticipate the joy of Christmas! The Latin word, Gaudete means, “Rejoice”. Who wouldn’t rejoice when we hear that the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them?

What a feast of joy!

Three of our readings repeat these same images and proclaim that the Lord will do these things. How does this happen today? I’ve come to see that these things do not happen except through the actions of people who are inspired by God to perform acts of charity and love that give people hope. They are the people who let Christ shine through them and work through them to bring hope into the lives of others.

These acts of charity and love can only be accomplished by someone who has their hope fixed on God and who has trust and faith in Jesus.


Work through me today God, so that I may be a channel of your Light in the world. Help me to have faith in you, Jesus, so that I can bring your mercy and love to those in need. Help keep my eyes fixed on you.

Personal Challenge

Today help someone who is blind, or deaf, or lame or sick or poor so that they have the Good News given to them through your actions. Be the Light of Christ in your city today!

Sister Jane Comerford, CSJ
Latham, New York