March 19, 2017

By Joan Krebs,
Glenview, IL

Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9;
Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42

Let’s come into God’s presence
with thanksgiving. Ps 95:2
“They’re gonna kill me! What should I do?”
Yhwh’s response: “Go! I’ll wait for you
at the rock of Horeb.” Ex 17:4-6

In John, Jesus is weary, so he rests at wellside. Soon a woman arrives. He asks for a bit of refreshment which she provides. Dialogue follows.

Afterwards the woman says, “Wow! Being with you demands a new me. I’ll share this with my network, my circle.” Curious, her audience comes to the well to palaver with Jesus. Afterwards they ask, “Stay awhile?” He does. Paul’s letter to us Gentiles: “We’re immersed in God’s love.” Us: “Immersed?” Paul again: “The Holy Spirit has been given to us.”

Today’s liturgy is about God’s encompassing presence, relationship, solidarity, fecundity of waiting, the Triune God (Abba, Word, Spirit) and more. So much! It can’t be helped. We are gifted post-Pentecost people, not pre-crucifixion people. Hope/life is our milieu, not fear/death.

“What’s giving you hope these days?” Dan Berrigan, S.J.
“Walk in Beauty” Tony Hillerman
“Waiting in Patience” Simone Weil

Personal Challenge
Walk into your day with a chance once more
to say, “Everywhere I go, I walk in the heart of God.”

Check back next Thursday, March 3rd, for the next reflection.

Courtesy of Ministry of the Arts