Mentor Training Video Links

Find links to the individual mentor training videos below.

Responsibilities of an Associate Mentor
Sister Jackie Goodin
Jackie gives an overview of the importance of the Associate mentor and the expectations.

Adult Learning Process
Jan Henderson
Jan walks us through the adult learning process and gives the participants pointers on facilitation.

CSJ History
Susan Vincent/Mel Kupchik
Susan and Mel talk about the CSJ History and what is in the revised edition of the Formation book “Called to Inclusive Love”.

CSJ Spirituality
Sister Pat Bergen
Pat Bergen gives us insight into the CSJ Spiritualtiy and what it means.

Gina Sullivan
Gina walks us through the website so we can access the resources available.

Lexicon of Terms (Cliffnotes)
Sister Carol Crepeau
Every industry has it’s own language. Carol gives us the “Cliffnotes” to the language specific to the CSJ.

Mission & Ministry
Sister Janet Fleischacker
Janet explains our CSJ Mission and how it is working through our ministries.

What is Discernment
Sister Cynthia Sabathier
The formation year is a year of discernment. Cynthia explains exactly what that means.

Prayer and Discernment
Bob Funaro
Bob talks about our prayer form and the extends the conversation on discernment.

My Purpose, My Call
Sister Mary Jo Curtsinger
Mary Jo will talk about our vocation to the CSJ mission and how becoming an associate is a vocation.

Shared Leadership
Theresa Denton
Shared leadership is how we operate – but how does shared leadership differ from other styles of leadership? Theresa will explain the difference.

Inquirer Application Process
Kate Theriot
Kate explains the technical side of the process – how the application process needs to be handled and why.

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