Congregation of St. Joseph Social Media Policy:

We are committed to creating an online community that reflects the mission and charism of the Congregation of St. Joseph, and acts as a unifying entity for all those who interact with us and each other. In doing so, we ask you to respect the following requests:
  • Please retain the Congregation of St. Joseph as the posting agency of any of our information that you share.
  • All photographs posted on our Facebook page, website, and any other entity of our social media presence are copyrighted by the Congregation of St. Joseph and are not permitted to be used for external usage.
  • Post only content that is positive and unifying in nature. We ask that you do not post content that:
    • is threatening, abusive, obscene, indecent, or objectionable.
    • is deceptive, false, or misleading
    • violates the intellectual property rights of other people
    • is illegal
    • references a third party website or is self-promoting spam
    • is inappropriate, offensive, or hateful
We reserve the right to remove any content or block users that violate our guidelines, or that we determine as otherwise offensive or inappropriate. Thank you for being a part of our online community!