CSJ Ministries

CSJ Ministries is the umbrella organization for the Congregation of St. Joseph whose responsibilities include:
- CSJ Mission Network: Providing support, leadership formation and guidance, all through the lens of mission, to ministries participating in the CSJ Mission Network.
- Ministry Oversight: Providing operational oversight to those ministries in the network directly governed by the Congregation.
- New Partnerships: Fostering and supporting new partnerships that align with the Congregation’s mission and impact priorities.
CSJ Ministries is governed by a fifteen-member board appointed by the Congregation Leadership Team and is staffed by a four member team.
Our Team
Theresa Denton
Executive Director
Dalia Bagdonas Rocotello
Associate Director
Sister Judith Minear
Coordinator for Mission Integration
Leslie Singel
Administrative Assistant

From left are Leslie Singel, Theresa Denton,
Dalia Bagdonas Rocotello, and
Sister Judith Minear.

ABLE Families
Kermit, WV
Caregiver Companion
Lafayette, IN
Catholic Mobilizing Network
Washington, D.C.
Christ in the Wilderness
Stockton, IL
Dear Neighbor Ministries
Wichita, KS
Ministry of the Arts
LaGrange Park, IL
LaGrange Park, IL
People Program
New Orleans, LA
Saint Joseph Academy
Cleveland, OH
Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Granting Organization
Cleveland, OH
St. Joseph’s Academy
Baton Rouge, LA
Wheeling, WV
Sisters Health Foundation
Parkersburg, WV
Sisters of St. Joseph Health and Wellness Foundation
Wheeling, WV
SJA Foundation,
Baton Rouge, LA
Wichita, KS
Taller de José
Chicago, IL
Tutoring English to Advance Change (TEACH)
LaGrange Park, IL
The Well Spirituality Center
LaGrange Park, IL
Partnerships – Past and Present
St. Louis, Missouri
Developed by Exchange Initiative and Washington University to help fight human trafficking
Our Board