Care of Creation

The Congregation of St. Joseph is dedicated to the care of creation, and to taking steps to strengthen, heal, and renew the face of Earth. We are all called to make choices that will lead to a sustainable future for our world and all living things. We work to care for our environment and to network, collaborate with, and provide education for others about the crisis facing our planet. We are committed to finding and implementing innovative ways to protect and heal our world and to claim our oneness with Earth. We work to care for all creation in a number of ways.

Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Committed to Earth and Laudato Si’, the Pope’s encyclical letter on care for our common home, the congregation has pledged to participate in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Pope Francis invited all people of good will to this Vatican-sponsored effort, facilitated by the Laudato Si’ Movement, to achieve sweeping environmental sustainability.

As part of making this pledge, we have developed an ambitious seven-year plan of actions to address the cry of Earth, cry of the poor, ecological economics, adoption of simple lifestyles, ecological education, ecological spirituality and community engagement and participatory action, among ourselves and in collaboration with the global Catholic community.

Learn more here.


The congregation is committed to sustainability. We recently completed a multi-year downsizing initiative at four of our centers around the country in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. Many of our properties use solar power and vehicles that are eco-friendly. All centers recycle, have discontinued the use of bottled water and plastic straws, use cloth napkins and glass dinnerware, and compost. Whenever possible, fair-trade products are used, not only to help producers in developing countries, but also to promote sustainable farming.

Systemic Change

The congregation supports and takes part in initiatives that work toward systemic environmental change. This includes issuing public statements, voicing our position to elected officials and the media, attending relevant marches and United Nations Commissions, and supporting ongoing calls to action with our community partners.

Funding and Supporting Ministries

The congregation supports initiatives that work to alleviate food deserts and those effected by them, such as Grow Ohio Valley in Wheeling, WV, and Grow Dat Youth Farm in New Orleans, LA. By providing these ministries with our time and talents, we’re not only helping encourage sustainable local farming, but also helping bring healthy foods to those in need.

Collaborations and Partnerships

The congregation partners and collaborates with other organizations that are making changes for our common home. In 2024, we announced that we were making our largest gift to date in support of Laudato Si’ efforts through the global Laudato Si’ Movement. Our support enables the Laudato Si’ Movement to equip a vibrant network of lay leaders to engage their communities in care of the Earth and people. The congregation also sponsors EarthBeat, an initiative of National Catholic Reporter (NCR), an online Eco-Crisis hub and comprehensive resource which tells stories of how people of faith are taking action on climate change.