Death Penalty
Sister Helen Prejean and the Ministry Against the Death Penalty

Sister Helen Prejean has been a tireless crusader against the death penalty since 1981 when she became spiritual advisor to a convicted killer on death row in New Orleans. This experience opened her eyes to the execution process and prompted her to write the book Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty, which has since been turned into a movie, opera, and play, and has opened up the conversation about the death penalty in the United States. She continues to educate the public about the death penalty by lecturing, organizing, writing, and advocating against the death penalty, as well as through her Ministry Against the Death Penalty organization, which works to end capital punishment by fostering creative, reflective and educational programs that awaken hearts and minds, inspire social change, and strengthen our democracy’s commitment to human rights.
Funding and Supporting Ministry Work
The Congregation offers support and funding to ministries that work against the death penalty and promote restorative justice. These include Catholic Mobilizing Network, a member of our mission network, which empower Catholics and people of goodwill to end the death penalty, advance justice solutions aligned with Catholic values, and promote healing approaches like restorative justice.