LGBTQ+ Support
Supporting Non-Discrimination

That year, the congregation also signed on as supporters to God Is on Your Side: A Statement from Catholic Bishops with the Tyler Clementi Foundation on Protecting LGBT Youth. This statement declares that we will stand up for at-risk LGBT youth in our country and oppose any form of violence, bullying or harassment directed at them.
Attending Events and Offering Support
Sisters, associates, and staff from the congregation attend events, including Pride festivals and parades, conferences, and other places where they can accompany and learn alongside members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Funding and Supporting Ministry Work

The congregation has offered support to ministries that educate on and advocate for LGBTQ+ people, such as New Ways Ministries.
Centering the LGBTQ+ Experience
The congregation is committed to having important conversations around LGBTQ+ issues and centering the LGBTQ+ experience. Whether on our podcast, Beyond the Habit, where we have interviewed guests who are members of or advocates for the LGBTQ+ community, such as Sister Jeannine Gramick, Bob Shine, Dr. Craig Ford, and Max Kuzma, or in our magazine, imagineONE, where we have talked with Fr. James Martin about his book Building Bridges and shared about our commitment to the community, we aim to bring awareness and openness to issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ community.

Education and Resources

The congregation continues to work to educate ourselves on issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community and to be allies to all of our siblings. We encourage others to learn the terms, New Ways Ministry, Outreach, and the work of Father James Martin.