We live and work that all may be one

About Us

We are a community of vowed Catholic women and lay associates who live and minister in the U.S. and around the world. Rooted in the mission of Christ, our mission is to unite all people with God, with one another, and with all creation. We do this by supporting a diverse array of ministries including three Catholic high schools, tutoring and literacy programs, spirituality centers, social service programs, spiritual direction, and pastoral assistance. We also support environmental and social justice initiatives including care of Earth, anti-racism and inclusion efforts, fair and just immigration policies, anti-human trafficking efforts, nonviolence advocacy, and the abolishment of the death penalty.


Social Justice

Prayer Requests

Our Ministries

Ways to Join Us

Laudato Si’

The Congregation of St. Joseph has pledged to support and participate in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform to achieve sweeping environmental sustainability. Learn more about our participation in the platform here.

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