As we continue our journey through the Season of Creation, we invite you to consider how you are affecting Earth. Calculate your ecological footprint, then consider things you can do differently. #SeasonofCreation
[...]Today we are reminded by scripture that all parts of the Earth celebrate creation.
[...]How can art inspire us to take action? Consider some of the art offered by Ministry of the Arts around Laudato Si’, and let it inspire you to take action for our common home.
[...]In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis reminds us that the crisis we are facing is both one of environmental and of social concerns, and that we must listen to the cries of the Earth [...]
How can you celebration the Season of Creation today? Consider taking a walk by a local river and meditating on how you can be deeper in communion with all life.
[...]In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis reminds us that God wants justice to reign so that life may flourish.
[...]The theme of the Season of Creation this year is “Let Peace and Justice Flow.” It is inspired by the words of the prophet Amos (5:24). During this season, we are called to join the [...]
Today, we begin the Season of Creation by celebrating the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation. Join us as we pray together that justice and peace may flow all over Earth.