One way that we can each personally make a difference this Season of Creation is by committing to saving energy and making better use of our resources. Consider some of the options provided here, and [...]
Today, we are reminded of the importance of water, to Earth, and to us.
[...]Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of daily actions, and of ongoing education, to make changes for the good of creation.
[...]Today, we are reminded that in scripture, creation is joyful!
[...]Today is World Rivers Day, which highlights the many values of rivers in our world. Today, consider signing the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Rivers, and add your voice to those calling for rivers [...]
Spending time in nature can bring us peace, and make us feel the connection we have to all of creation. Sister Theresa Hafner’s love of spending time in nature started as a child, and continues [...]
Today, let us pray together in lamentation for the ways we have not heard the cries of Earth, and ask God to transform us back into guardians of all creation. (Adapted from the Litany of [...]
Where can we start? In the Congregation of St. Joseph’s most recent episode of the Beyond the Habit Podcast, we interview Paul Campion, an organizer for The Sunrise Movement. He offers ways we can all [...]
The web of life is unraveling before our eyes. What can we each do to make change?
[...]Today is World Water Monitoring Day. How are you using water in your life? How can you better conserve this important, life giving resource?