Associate Aggie Hoskin Emodies CSJ Charism

Congratulations to CSJ Associate Aggie Hoskin who is the 2016 recipient of the “Art of Caring Award” presented by the Community West Foundation. The Foundation’s 16th Annual Legacy Society Dinner pays tribute each year to the philanthropic spirit of its Legacy Society Members. They recognize and honor those members who have set a standard in generosity through a planned gift or Donor Advised Fund, and Community West was selected as caretaker of these Legacies. The Art of Caring Award is the Foundation’s highest honor to recognize those donors who display exceptional generosity, commitment, and leadership. The award was presented to Aggie on Thursday, October 6, at the Legacy Society’s annual dinner.

Aggie was recognized for her tireless work over the years in a number of different agencies and non-profit organizations including The Catholic Commissionon Community Action; the Office for Women in Church and Society; Cleveland Food Bank; MetroHealth Maternity and Infant Care; West Side Catholic Center…and most notably, “The Jennifer Fund” in honor of her daughter who was a special advocate for children during her life. The Jennifer fund now supports other local charities that are committed to children, including the Dometic Violence and Child Advocacy Center, Malachi Center, St. Colman Church and many others.

We celebrate and give thanks for Aggie, and we are proud to call her our friend and CSJ Associate! To learn more about becoming a CSJ Associate, click here.

The Community West Foundation: Illuminating Hope is a local philanthropic organization dedicated to supporting organizations that provide the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care to the most needy in and around Western Cuyahoga County, Ohio. For more information on this, see their website at