Congregation Joins US Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Recommitting to Addressing Racism

The U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph, of which the Congregation of St. Joseph is a member, has issued the following public statement, recommitting to addressing racism:

In the presence of constant and painful reminders of the deep roots of racism in our country, we, the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph join with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in committing to the critical work of creating communion, examining the root causes of injustice and our own complicity, and purging ourselves, our communities, and our country of the sin of racism and its destructive effects.

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we commit ourselves to examine the root causes of injustice — particularly racism — and our own complicity as congregations, and to work to effect systemic change as we struggle to ensure immigrant rights, promote non-violence, and protect Earth and its biosphere.

We pledge prayer, education, and advocacy and commit to using our collective voice, resources, and power in collaboration with others to establish justice, which reflects God’s abundant love and desire that all may have life

Actions You Can Take:

Broaden Your Horizons: Use opportunities to become better acquainted with persons of different races by reading books by authors of other races, participating in discussion groups, and sharing in cultural celebrations, events, and interfaith activities.

Write Letters to the Editor: when you perceive racial bias in reporting.

Reflect on Your Actions: For people who are white, reflect on the attitudes and behaviors that influence your relationship with people of color.

Encourage Diversity: Examine policies, procedures, and practices at your workplace, organizations, and institutions and encourage them to value diversity.

Speak Up: When you witness discrimination against others, speak up. Do not engage in or tolerate racial slurs and jokes.

Vote: For candidates who make ending racism and all discrimination a priority.

Pray: Even after we have done all that we can to take action on this issue, the power of prayer can also help. Below, we offer a prayer from the U.S. Federation for this purpose.

God of love and mercy,
touch our hearts and call on us to acknowledge
and respect the “dear neighbor” in our midst.
We pray for openness in our hearts
to reject racism and all discrimination
against our sisters and brothers.
Inspire us to be agents of unity
who embrace those who cross our paths
with love and acceptance.


You can read the original statement from the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph here.

The Congregation of St. Joseph is dedicated to equality. We believe that racism is a blatant sin against the dignity of human persons, each created in the image and likeness of God. Learn more about our anti-racism efforts here.