Legacy Giving



You can continue to support the Sisters and their mission of unifying love and service to others after your lifetime by making a legacy gift.

You do not have to be wealthy to make a planned gift, only willing to include the Sisters in your plans.

It would be our honor to be part of your legacy.




One of the simplest ways to make a legacy gift is to include the Congregation of St. Joseph as a beneficiary in your will. Your bequest may include real estate, retirement accounts, life insurance policies and marketable securities such as stocks and bonds. 

Please check with your advisor to see what is best for you and your loved ones. We can provide you or your advisor with our Sample Wills & Trust Language upon request.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A charitable gift annuity provides fixed payments for life and tax benefits in exchange for a gift of cash or securities. A charitable gift annuity (CGA) may be suitable if you:

  • Want to maintain or increase your cash flow
  • Want the security of fixed, dependable payments for life
  • Want to minimize income taxes and avoid capital gain taxes
  • Would like income that is partially tax-free
  • Want to make a gift of $10,000 or more
  • Are at least 60 years of age

Congregation of St. Joseph charitable gift annuities are administered by the National Catholic Community Foundation (NCCF). NCCF will invest your gift in compliance with the investing guidelines of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops and send you payments. After your life, the remainder of your annuity will be transferred to Congregation of St. Joseph. Please contact us for an application and instructions.

Heritage Society

Your legacy gift will automatically enroll you as a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph’s Heritage Society.  As a member, you will receive:

  • A certificate of appreciation and a special gift that commemorates our founders
  • Listing on the Honorary Registry (You can choose to remain anonymous.)
  • Recognition at donor receptions
  • Prayers/Mass offered upon death for the repose of your soul

Current Heritage Society Members

To learn more or to share your plans, please contact: Melissa O’Leary, Director of Development at  moleary@csjoseph.org or 216-688-3474.

We also encourage you to document your intentions by completing and sending us this form: Legacy Gift Statement of Intent