Workshops and Training

We partner with organizations like Crossroads and ERACCE who provide in-house anti-racism workshops and training at our centers for sisters, associates, employees and ministry partners.
Education and Outreach
We seek to educate and raise awareness around issues of race by engaging with the communities in which we live and work. We do this by publicly speaking out about systemic racism, committing our resources to support ministries and organizations committed to equality, inviting prominent authors, civic leaders and others to our centers to speak on issues of race, hosting and engaging in black history displays and events, and participating in immersive trips to better understand the history of racism in our country, like this one to Selma and Montgomery, Alabama.

Funding and Supporting Ministries

Many of the ministries in our Mission Network and those of individual sisters address elements of racism in our world. For example, Sister Helen Prejean and Ministry Against the Death Penalty work to end capital punishment, which statistics show disproportionately affects persons of color. Taller de Jose serves Chicago’s large Latinx population by helping individuals navigate systems and match them to needed resources.