Internship Opportunities

What is the Program?

 The Congregation of St. Joseph is offering an Internship in Leadership through Ministry for young adults this summer
May 27 – August 1, 2025.
We are very aware that many young adults are interested in meaningful employment and internship opportunities and are also aware that some people are struggling to find a sense of deeper meaning in their work. The Congregation of St. Joseph has internship opportunities that can help people discover their gifts for leadership as they discover deeper meaning in non-profit, ministry work through the lens of the mission of unity and the development of leadership skills.

Who is Eligible?

If you are a young adult (ages 19-24) with a desire to build community who has a potential for leadership, is looking to find deeper meaning in your living and working and has skills as listed on the ministry job descriptions form, you may very well be eligible for a paid internship.

Participants in this program will be introduced to a worldview and vision of unity, the spirituality of community building, skills and processes for community building, skills for transforming a job to a ministry, and the leadership skills of listening, communication, celebrating differences/negotiating differences, cultivating a culture of compassion, empathy, forgiveness and mutuality.  

Additional Information

Interns will be paid as they work with a department or ministry related to our Congregation between May 27-August 1, 2025 but the ministry will not offer benefits. We believe that the world needs young people skilled in community building. Thus, the first week will include online orientation in the mission of unity and community building as well as one day a week throughout the internship when we will offer leadership training. In most cases, if selected for a position, interns will need to live in the geographic area of the ministry they will serve with. All interns will be responsible for their own room, board and travel to and from the ministry.


You will find the available places for ministry listed below. Choose the one/s for which you have the qualifications to apply and ability to live in the geographic area noted.

Job Descriptions 2025 internship opportunities

Then, download and fill out the application form for each ministry for which you would like to apply.

Application for CSJ Internship 2025

All applications should be emailed to Mary Ann Wyllie, CSJ.

If you have questions, please contact Pat Bergen, CSJ.

All applications are due by Friday, March 14th.