What do the letters in LGBTQ+ stand for? The Human Rights Campaign offers a Glossary of Terms which may help those looking to better understand a specific term or issue.
New Ways Ministry educates and advocates for justice and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Catholics, and reconciliation within the larger church and civil communities. They offer ways to learn, foster dialogue, and work for changes in attitudes and promote the acceptance of LGBTQ people as full and equal members of church and society.
Fired by a vision that transcends cultural prejudices, the Equally Blessed coalition seeks to educate and inspire Catholics to take action on behalf of LGBTQI people, their families and friends.
Father James Marin, SJ, is a well known voice for LGBTQ+ people in the Catholic Church. His book, Building a Bridge, seeks respect between the Church and LGBTQ+ people, and he continues to work that all may feel welcome. Read more about Building a Bridge in this article from America Magazine and listen as Father James Martin answers 5 common questions about LGBT Catholic Ministry in this video.
Outreach is an LGBTQ Catholic Resource that offer news, essays, resources and community for LGBTQ Catholics, their families and friends, and those who minister to them in the Catholic church worldwide. Outreach also highlights welcoming parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations.