Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31st


Acts 10: 34a,37-43
Ps. 118: 1,2, 16-17 22-23
Cor. 5: 6-8
John 20: 1-9


“We are witnesses of all that he did…he commissioned us
to preach to the people…”
Acts 10; 39,42

Today we are invited to shout a confident ALLELUIA. The readings are both the glorious announcement of a promise fulfilled and a challenging mandate. CHRIST IS RISEN! Like those faithful friends who went to the tomb early on Easter morning, we realize that life will never be the same.

I wonder about the range of emotions those closest to Jesus must have experienced in the days between the Crucifixion and that glorious Sunday morning. Some had betrayed their friend, some stood despondent under the cross, helpless to do anything to alleviate the gross injustice that brought him to that day. All of his most faithful followers must have been so deeply disappointed…where was the Kingdom they thought would be theirs? And now they come to an empty tomb!

As today’s readings indicate, they were both excited and fearful. Later the Risen One suggests: “You have seen me rise from the dead. You too will have new life…But in the meantime, you need to imitate what I did. Preach my word, take care of those who are in need, Believe!”

The Easter Alleluia is a call to celebrate the fulfillment of a promise and also a challenge to reflect the life that the Risen One models. Resurrection is not a “won and done” time event. It is an awareness that the message of Christ mandates that we try to live as he did. The empty tomb compels us to nothing less.


God of promise and possibility, as I celebrate the joy of Easter, may I also realize that there is much yet to be done in a world in need of hope and healing. May I be encouraged by this Easter celebration and try to do my part to live as you lived, always attentive and willing to respond
to the needs of others.

Personal Challenge

I will take a few minutes at the end of the day to remember both the joy of Easter and the ways I am challenged to live in that joy.

Sister Jean McGrath, CSJ
Chicago, IL

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