The Congregation of St. Joseph believes in the sanctity of all life, from conception to natural death. We hold all life sacred and work to protect all peoples, especially the most vulnerable among us. We do this in the following ways:
St. Joseph Adoption Ministry
St. Joseph Adoption Ministry in Kansas City, Kan., is a licensed, pro-life adoption agency that focuses on the adoption of infants and toddlers. They network with reputable agencies and adoption attorneys throughout the United States to find potentially adoptive children and match them with adoptive parents. They also work with women and girls facing unwanted pregnancies to offer support, education and options as they face this challenging period in their lives. St. Joseph Adoption Ministry is sponsored by the Congregation of St. Joseph.
Gianna House
Gianna House is a pregnancy and parenting resource center and residence in Eastpoint, Mich., that provides support and other services to young women ages 17 years and younger. In addition to providing a safe, loving environment for them and their newborns, the girls learn parenting skills and job preparation skills and receive career planning counseling and spiritual care. The Congregation of St. Joseph supports Gianna House through financial and volunteer resources.
Statements of Support
In addition to the many ways we work to hold all life as sacred, the Congregation of St. Joseph also supports statements made by the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph and the the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, organizations of which we are members, and also releases our own statements on important issues. Read our most recent statement against violence, here.