Lent Reflections

As we move towards Easter, we are called to pause and take time from our lives to reflect on God’s great love for us. This year, we once again offer weekly reflections and prayers throughout the season of Lent to help guide you on your journey.

Weekly reflections are posted each Wednesday so that you have time to prepare for the coming Sunday. We also offer reflections for Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter.

Journey with us as we move through this holy season!

Ash Wednesday

First Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Palm Sunday

Holy Thursday

Good Friday

Holy Saturday

Easter Sunday

Want more Lent Reflections? Find our weekly reflection videos here.



Find the full Springtime of the Soul Lenten Reflection Booklet here.

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