Tuesday, December 24th
2 Sm 7: 1-5. 8b-12.14a. 16
Ps 89: 2-3. 4-5. 27 and 29
Lk 1: 67-79
For ever I will sing the goodness of our God.
God’s favors I will sing forever;
through all generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness.
Ps 89: 2-3
Praying Psalm 89, I feel what inspired Mary’s Magnificat. As this Christmas Eve Day draws us to the close of Advent, I am touched to remember Mary’s sung praise upon receiving Elizabeth’s affirmation: “Blessed is she who believed that there would be fulfillment of what was spoken to her by God.” Ultimately, our Christian traditions of Advent and Christmas grow out of Mary saying, “Yes!” to bear and birth the promised Child. Tonight as we recall the nativity story, we can celebrate Mary in the lineage of the Incarnation, of the One who says, ‘Yes,’ gives birth to Love, and shows us how to do the same. These ‘Yeses,’ births, and acts of love are rarely easy. Remembering these and other stories can help us see the Divine’s faithful presence throughout the generations. Singing songs like Psalm 89 and singing our own songs of praise like Mary did in the Magnificat can help us as we carry Divine Love forward through our lives to our immediate circles and toward future generations.
May I forever sing the goodness of God.
May I know of Your mercy and bring it to birth throughout my life.
May I be a steward of Your faithfulness for future generations. Amen.
Personal Challenge
Sing your songs of praise.
Sister Jill Underdahl, CSJ
St. Paul, MN