Congregation Joins LCWR and the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Calling for a Permanent Solution for DACA Recipients

The Congregation of St. Joseph is thrilled that the U.S. Supreme Court has announced they are upholding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Now we join the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph in calling for a permanent solution for DACA recipients. Both LCWR and the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph have issued public statements and action alerts, which we support. Following are excerpts from those statements:

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is grateful that the Supreme Court struck down President Trump’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The Court’s ruling safeguards the right of 700,000 DACA recipients to live and work in the country that is their home. This is an enormous victory for the immigrant youth who have led the challenge to the Trump administration’s attempt to end the program that has protected our colleagues, students, neighbors, and friends from the threat of deportation.

DACA recipients have long contributed to our communities and our economy. They are teachers and engineers, specialist and essential workers of every kind. Nearly 30,000 DACA recipients are among the healthcare workers combating the outbreak of COVID-19 working to prevent the spread of the virus and to save the lives of those infected.

While we welcome the Court’s ruling, we recognize that this is not a permanent solution. We call on members of Congress to move expeditiously to pass legislation that will provide lasting stability for DACA recipients, those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Dreamers, their families and our communities. It is long past time to enact a Dream Act that provides a path to citizenship without including funding for detention, deportation, or border militarization, or provisions that would limit opportunities for family reunification. The House of Representatives has already passed the bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (HR 6). It is time for the Senate to do the same.

Let us use our collective voices to advocate with our U.S. Senators asking them to protect and provide a path to citizenship for DACA youth! 

REQUEST FOR ACTION:  Please take the following three actions.

  1. Call and/or email each of your U.S. Senators (by clicking on each name or by calling their offices) ask them to:
  1. Call Senator Mitch McConnell ask him to allow a vote on the Senate floor on a clean American Dream & Promise Act (HR.6) / Dream Act of 2019 (S. 874) at (202) 224-2541
  2. Find out how your member of Congress voted in the U.S. House of Representatives on the American Dream & Promise Act (HR.6) and reach out to them either to thank them for their support or challenge them if they voted against HR.6.

Read the full statement from LCWR here and from the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph here.

The Congregation of St. Joseph is dedicated to love of the dear neighbor, without distinction. We believe that we are all one people, and we work to bring all people together in love of God and one another. This work leads us to the belief that it is our responsibility to welcome those who seek a better life for themselves and their families through immigration, regardless of culture, race or religion, and to provide safe asylum for those seeking refuge. Learn more about our immigration work here.