Sunday, April 7th


Ez 37: 12-14
Ps 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Rom 8: 8-11
Jn 11: 1-45


“So prophesy! Say to them: thus says [God]: O my people, I will open your graves, and have you rise from them.” Ez 37:12…
“…those who are in the flesh cannot please God, but you are not in the flesh; on the contrary, you are in the spirit, the spirit dwells in you.” Rom 8: 8-9
“Jesus said ‘Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?’”

These readings not only have the theme of rising from the dead but also present us with the very fact that we hold in our being the Spirit. I was shocked by the beginning of the reading from Ezekiel “So prophesy!”

Rise up! Prophesy! Do not stay entombed in your current situation or even your very own self. It took Jesus to raise Lazarus and let him go. What do we think Lazarus went on to do? How many times have we died and rose to carry on again? I know I have a few times in my life. Where did the strength come from?

The song “To Fill the World with Love” from Goodbye Mr. Chips speaks of the dying and rising through life as if it were one day. “In the morning of my life, when the world is new…the blessing I ask God to grant me, to be brave and strong and true and to fill the world with love my whole life through. In the noontime of my life, the blessing I shall ask remains unchanging…in the evening of my life the question I shall ask only I can answer: was I brave and strong and true? Did I fill the world with love my whole life through?”

We can rise and live in the Spirit our whole life through.


God, bring me out of the tomb that holds me in doubt or shame or complacency so that I may live with your spirit and fill the world around me with love.

Personal Challenge

Journal one day in your lent. Note the many times God has lifted you up throughout the day.

Sister Karen Kirby, CSJ
St. Clairsville, OH