Sunday, March 27th


Jos 5: 9-12
Ps 34: 2-7
2 Cor 5: 17-21
Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32


“My son,” said the Father, “you were always safe at home with me, and everything I had was yours as well as mine. But your brother, he was dead and now is alive! We must rejoice. We must have a feast, for I had lost him, and now I have found him again!” Lk: 15: 31-32

In today’s gospel parable, we see a father’s forgiveness and mercy toward a dutiful older son and a wayward younger one. The father’s compassion moves him out of his house to bring them both home and to the table. Trying to lead good lives, we might find ourselves identifying more with the elder son. We connect with his resentment when we think we’re not being appreciated, are jealous over someone’s success, become angry at what we think is favoritism, or are sad at feeling excluded. Attitudes such as these can become destructive to ourselves and others. When feeding such feelings of resentment, we create a smallness of mind in our thoughts and a narrowness of heart in our actions. If we could see how that which upsets us in another is also within ourselves and own it, we can begin to know our oneness with the other. A crippled relationship can be brought to fuller life. Both sons were invited to the table. So, too, we should look to feed the goodness within ourselves, a goodness which God has placed in great deposit within us.


Your forgiveness and mercy, God, is relentless.
Go before me and guide me in your ways.

Personal Challenge

This day, try to be attentive to opportunities for offering reconciliation and kindness to another.

Bea Boyd, CSJ Associate
Chicago, IL