Holy Thursday

Thursday, April 18


Ex 12: 1-8. 11-14
Ps 116: 12-13. 15-16bc. 17-18
1 Cor 11: 23-26
Jn 13: 1-15


The Lord gave Moses precise instructions about how families and communities were to celebrate the Passover. They were to mark their homes with the blood of a slaughtered lamb, then prepare the menu God prescribed. God told them, “Eat it with your loins girt, sandals on your feet and staff in hand.” In other words, they were to publicly admit their faith, obey God in everything, and be ready to leave home on a moment’s notice.

When we take the Passover as our model for Eucharist, we are challenged to be willing to proclaim our faith in public, to seek and follow the will of God, and to hold lightly to our comforts. The purpose of this food is to send us into mission as servants. Perhaps we should carry our car keys in the communion procession to remind us that we receive Eucharist primarily to bring it to the rest of the world.


Lord, you celebrated the Passover by washing your disciples’ feet. Give us the grace to follow your example by being ever ready for humble service. May our communion with you and one another kindle our passion to spread your love in deed and word.

Personal Challenge

How can I keep my loins girt during the Easter season? Am I ready to take and eat the menu God has prepared for me?

Mary M. McGlone, CSJ
St. Louis, MO

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